Main Office: Nutri Vive Nutrition Consultancy, No. 49 John St, Kilkenny, Ireland
087 680 2248(Secretary)



“As a newly diagnosed Coeliac I was very happy to speak with Ellen. I actually had no symptoms that I was aware of before diagnosis! I  found our chat very helpful… I discovered some everyday cupboard items are naturally gluten free, and what suitable brands to look for on the shelves.  We discussed how a small amount of gluten can be damaging during recovery and in future. Thanks so much for starting me on the GF diet.. I have no hesitation recommending Nutrivive for the professional and friendly advice.”

(Female, 56, Kilkenny ) March 2020

Digestive Problems 

“I was diagnosed with IBS in 2018 and told that stress sleep and diet were the three main things which would cause flare ups. After a year of trying to manage these three things I was failing to get anything under control as I have a job which is stressful, three young children who take it in turns to stay up at night

And no matter how I tried I couldn’t get to grips with a diet which seemed to agree with me.
I felt constantly tired and everything was an effort. Running which I used to enjoy was a getting harder and harder.
Eventually I was referred to nutritive by my Dr and I went more out of desperation and a willingness to try anything that might help.
They reviewed my lifestyle my daily routine and what I would typically eat over a week and then put me on an 8 week digestive plan.
I won’t lie the hardest part was readjusting the shopping list and taking the time to identify what I could and could not eat but once that was in place it just meant being more disciplined about what I ate and sticking with the plan.
The first difference I noticed was I started to drop weight but that quickly stabilised and with it came the positives. My IBS calmed down, the quality of my sleeping improved (though not the quantity, but that’s kids for you!) and I felt I had more energy to the point that running didn’t feel as difficult and I had more energy to play with my kids.
The people at nutritive were great. They were friendly and easy to talk with. They were available whenever I needed to ask a question about foods that I was unsure off or offer advice on where to get certain foods or provide alternative food options. They process involved three appointments in total at which they reviewed my progress and introduced the next phases of the diet.
It genuinely has made a difference in my life and I would strongly recommend them. All I need now is to get my kids to sleep and find a less stressful job and everything will be sorted”
(Male, 40, Kildare) February 2020

Digestive Problems & Weight Management 

“I went to Ellen as I had been suffering from IBS symptoms for years. I was wary of nutritionists offering allergy blood tests as they were always so expensive and I had my doubts about their accuracy. Ellen put me at ease with her common sense approach straight away. She didn’t try to sell me other tests and was full of information on new research as well as old. I went on the low FODMAP diet with her help and felt better than I had in a very long time. I gradually figured out foods that caused my symptoms and while eating out can still be a bit awkward, I’ve learned new recipes with Ellen’s help that I can cook at home. She also gave me good information on supplements and probiotics that will help. I would definitely recommend her to anyone looking for help.”

(Female 30, Kildare) March 2019

Elite Sports Performance – Soccer Academy Athletes

“Ellen from Nutri Vive Nutrition Clinic has worked closely with our Elite Academy Soccer players to provide a comprehensive nutrition and hydration programme to improve their all round performance. Her advice and guidance has proved to be an invaluable part of our overall curriculum, and has undoubtedly had a positive impact on our players”

Paul Smith, Coach at Elite Sports Performance, Kilkenny.

Sports Nutrition – Hurling

“The advice I received from Ellen has made a huge difference to my hurling training this season. My energy levels are hugely better mainly because I was completely eating wrong things before and after training. I used to be really bad for not taking enough fluids – about four mouthfuls of water during a 90 minute training session.  My first hydration test wasn’t a surprise, I failed the first one really bad but the second one was alot better after making a few changes.

I really hadn’t a clue how to cook something a simple as an egg never mind anything else.  Ellen helped me with recipes for college which kept me out of the chippers! I can now do a basic pasta, chicken and veg dinner which I never thought I could do. My physical strength and power are better too now that I’m eating correctly for my weight training programme. Thanks a lot.

Patrick Portlaoise, Co. Laois.

Sports Nutrition – Triathlon

“Thanks a million for your advice on foods for triathlon and the tips on the sports supplements.  Something simple like taking the proper amount of water with the energy gels has made a huge difference and has helped me get the most out of them”.

Michelle, Tullow, Co Carlow

Weight Loss – The Shape Up Programme

“I have been ‘dieting’ on and off since I was 18 years old and have tried, Weight Watchers, Motivation Clinic, diet pills – you name it and I’ve tried it. However, I always found that although I lost weight for a few weeks, I just became obsessed with food and would end up bingeing and packing it all in.  A friend told me about the Shape Up Programme with the Dietitian Ellen at Nutri Vive Nutrition Clinic.  I have to say she was a breath of fresh air.  We discussed my motivation levels in great detail and took a closer look at not only what I was eating, but my portion sizes and how I was eating.  I found the one to one consultations really useful rather than a group as everything was tailored to me and my home situation (four children and a hectic household) and you didn’t need to be a Master chef to cook the meals suggested.

I thought the plan was very easy to follow and the weekly contact and individual support was invaluable. I now have more control over my eating, have changed my mindset long-term and really enjoy proper good food to get the nutrients I need.  I lost 3 ½ stones over the 20 week programme, 8 inches off my waist line and 9% of my body fat.  I like the fact that Ellen doesn’t focus too much on the scales every week.  She made me realise that weight is just a number and its my health how I feel inside is just as important. Energy levels and self – confidence are now through the roof. Im delighted that my cholesterol came down from 5.9 to 4.5 and clothes shopping is a lot easier as I’ve gone from a size 18 to 14.”

Mairead (Kilkenny)


The FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

“I was referred to Ellen by Dr Nugent, a gastroenterologist at the Whitfield Clinic in Waterford.   I have been having tummy trouble for the past five years and have been into my GP numerous times with the diagnosis of IBS.  I have tried various different medications, high fibre diets, low fibre diets and even  acupuncture. In the past year the bloated belly, burping, flatulence and alternating constipation and diarrhoea had worsened to the point that I didn’t want to go too far from home because I constantly needed to be within a few minutes away from a toilet.   When I went to Ellen for the first time, she really listened to me and understood my symptoms. After assessing my diet, Ellen then explained the new FODMAP diet in detail to me, which I then followed for six weeks.  I was completely stunned and could not believe how quickly it worked for me. Within the first three days, the bloating and wind were much better and after just  two weeks the symptoms had pretty much completely resolved and I actually had the energy to go for my walks again.

The diet is a little complicated initially and it took a few days for me to completely get my head around it before starting it. At the clinic, Ellen took out her “box of tricks”  –  lots of packaging which highlighted the foods to look out for,  which helped me when going grocery shopping and cooking at home .  She practically explained what to watch for on food labels and gave me two booklets with all of the suitable foods and products available locally which made it a lot easier.

Ellen also provided me a list of suitable places to eat out in Wexford which were very useful. I have to admit, I was a little scared and apprehensive about doing the reintroduction phase of the diet because I was feeling so amazingly well.  Afterward, I found that I needed to completely avoid cabbage, pears and onion powder and there were a certain few other foods which I could tolerate in small amounts without being back to square one.  I would highly recommend Ellen and this plan to anyone who has stomach problems.”

(Anon Wexford)

FODMAP Approach for  “Dire” Tummy
Just sorry I didnt meet Ellen years ago! Delighted with the result.  Cant remember the last time having a some way “normal” digestion until now.

(Male 39 Kilkenny)

Poly Cystic Ovaries
Great explanation of metabolism and how what I eat effects my blood sugar levels, cravings and my PCOS symptoms.  The dietitian also knew alot about the medication I’m prescribed and its effects on my body.  The nutrition plan I received afterwards was very easy to follow and has helped me to mannage my condition better.

(Jackie, Kilkenny)