Main Office: Nutri Vive Nutrition Consultancy, No. 49 John St, Kilkenny, Ireland
087 680 2248(Secretary)

Nursing Homes

Ellen Roche Dietitian at Nutri Vive  Nutrition Clinic is available to travel to all Nursing homes in the South East of Ireland.

Consultations include liason with the resident, family, nursing staff and GP where necessary.

  • Nutritional Screening Training for the Elderly (MUST)
  • Weight gain after illness
  • Tube Feeding (PEG) – review of feeding regimes
  • Ulcer and Wound Healing
  • Modified consistency diets for those with Impaired Swallow Function.
  • Unbiased review of resident’s requirements for oral nutritional supplements e.g Ensure, Fortisip.
  • Review of the food provision service at nursing homes on request.

Note: Consultation fees may be partially reimbursed using private health insurance or tax relief.