At the clinic, the Dietitian can advise you how to avoid specific foods causing an allergy e.g. nuts or milk, without causing any imbalance to your nutritional intake.
We do not perform allergy / intolerance testing due to the lack of scientific evidence behind the kits commercially available.
The gold standard method for food intolerance testing is an exclusion diet followed by reintroduction. Contact the clinic if you would like to arrange an appointment with the Dietitian to explain how to exclude and reintroduce foods correctly in order to get to the bottom of your problem.
The FODMAP Diet is a new diet for irritable Bowel Syndrome and helps identify what particular foods may be causing symptoms such as tummy bloating, pain, cramps, spasms, flatulence, wind, constipation or diarrhoea. Ellen Roche is one of a very limited number of Irish Dietitians who has attended Kings College London for advanced training on this new diet. See digestive disorders section for more information.