Main Office: Nutri Vive Nutrition Consultancy, No. 49 John St, Kilkenny, Ireland
087 680 2248(Secretary)

Dietitian Consultation Fees

Consultation Fees

Standard Professional Fees
Initial Consultation  (up to 1 hour)  €145
Follow up Consultation  (up to 1/2 hour)  €60

We feel our fees reflect our level of professional Dietetic experience and expertise.

Special Packages
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Package €260
Includes 3 consultations over 8-10 weeks; dietary plans, reintroduction protocol to determine underlying food intolerance, final review and the most up to date booklets with invaluable  local shopping information and recipes. Please don’t waste your money on food intolerance testing as there is zero science to support it’s use!
Shape Up Weight Management Programme
Involves six individual consultations over 20 weeks
The total cost of this package is €440, payable in two instalments.
  • €205 payable at initial consultation which covers your first and second appointment
  • The balance of €235 is then payable on your third consultation which covers your remaining four appointments (appointments number 3, 4, 5 & 6).
Health Insurance

As we are Registered Dietitians and Members of the Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute, holders of private health insurance therefore usually receive a  €20 – €75 refund per consultation.

You can check your level of cover directly with VHI, Laya, Irish Life or Aviva Healthcare.   Health insurance cover may also be applied to all of the packages listed above.



Important Notes:

Methods of Payment: Bank transfer, cheque, secure online card payment system

Tax Refunds: MED.1 forms are no longer available to obtain tax relief on medical expenses. The new way of claiming is a Form 12 for PAYE workers, or Form 11 for self-assessed or revenue online tax returns.

Strict Cancellation Policy: A fee of €30 is applicable if appointments are cancelled with less than 48hrs notice or for instances where a booking is made but the individual does not attend.   As you may appreciate, cancellation fees apply to cover all admin costs etc.